Positioning Intelligence.
With high-precision positioning data on the digital infrastructure.

With high-precision positioning data on the digital infrastructure.
Wir sind ein Tech-Startup aus Nürnberg und bilden mit Hilfe von hochpräzisen Positionierungsdaten die Infrastruktur unserer Kunden digital in Echtzeit ab.
Our range of products and services is aimed at cities and municipalities, construction companies and traffic safety specialists, providers of navigation data and logistics as well as companies from the automotive and mobility industry.
We help cities and construction companies to digitally map their infrastructure:
The IoT construction site, in which smart construction site lights are used for high-precision position determination, determine data for the transparent display of construction measures and the efficient control and optimization of traffic flows.
Our smart construction site lights use differential GNSS and transmit high-precision position and movement data in real time to our secure data platform.
The cloud-based CM1 web application and app enable location-independent management and control of individual construction site lights.
Save resources and create transparency: Manual processes are digitized and automated.
Wir begleiten Sie von der ersten Beratung, einer Testphase, sowie einer individuellen Einführung in die digitale Infrastruktur.
Sie haben weitere Anwendungsfälle, für welche Sie eine hochpräzise Positionierungstechnologie benötigen? Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne.